Strawberry Fraisier Cake Singapore|French Fresh Fruit Cake

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A gorgoeous French dessert usually filled with lots of juicy strawberries, crème pâtissière and sponge cake. Our’s however comes with a little crunch! A Rose Pink biscuit crust make gives this delicious dessert an added dimension and texture 🙂

strawberry fraise cake

The strawberries around the edge make it look elegant and fresh and the cake is very light and makes a deliciously sweet ending to a meal 🙂

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In every bite, you will have a crunchy biscuit base, sponge cake infused with strawberry syrup, crème pâtissière, strawberries, more sponge cake and more fresh strawberries.

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This dessert makes a good treat for a romantic dinner, Valentine’s day or a birthday for a sweet lady.

Get yours today!

Available cake sizes:

-Cupcake size

-4″ Cake

-6″ Cake

-10″ Cake

If you have other cakes that like us to do, do feel free to customise them with us 🙂




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