Mother’s Day 2016 Cakes & Cupcakes Singapore

mothers day 2016 (4)

Mothers are the person who are always there to give us support, lend us a listening ear or sometimes, just being a nag but we know its all for your own good!

Treat your Mother with love by showering her with some lovely flower cupcakes!

Choose a card for Mom for FREE with every cupcake order made*! Card designs are as shown below. For every order made between 6 May 2016- 8 May 2016, you get a free card! Quote “MOMCCS” in the message section when you place an order and just let us know which card design* you want 🙂

Design 1: Super Mom                                                                                 Design 2: Wonder-Ful Mom

mothers day drawing4mothers day drawing2
Design 3: My Queen                                                                                 Design 4: Iron Mom
mothers day drawing iron mom

Design 5: Exercise Junkie                                                                        Design 6: Kitchen Goddess

mothers day card 1amothers day card



To view other available cupcake designs, click here! We have Love themed cupcakes to show your love for Mom; Flower themed cupcakes as edible roses are better than physical roses right? Order now today and don’t wait as we have LIMITED slots 🙂


*Terms & Conditions:

– Limited to one redemption per customer

-$100.00 spend exclude delivery charge

-Applicable only for cupcake orders of $100.00 and above

– Card designs are subjected to availability

-Minimum purchase of $100.00 to get the free card

-Valid only for orders made from 6 May 2016- 8 May 2016 (Cake collection for 6 May 2016- 8 May 2016, orders can be made before hand 🙂 )



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