Alice in Wonderland Whimsical Quirky Themed Cupcakes Singapore

Ever wanted a dreamy setup with whimsical cakes and bakes for your tea party or birthday celebration? Try out or Alice in Wonderland themed cupcakes!

In soft pastels and colourful colours, these cupcakes are sure to bring lots of fun, joy and happiness to you and your guest! Check out our designs below!

Design 1: Queen of Hearts

Design 2: Key Lock

Design 3: Initials

Able to change initialswonderland cupcakes 11

Design 4: Flutter Awaywonderland cupcakes 15

Design 5: Tick-Tockwonderland cupcakes 12

Design 6: Eat Onewonderland cupcakes 6

Design 7: Take Onewonderland cupcakes 3



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